News from Harmony and Concord Lodge 8106
Our Charity Evening at Harmony and Concord on Tuesday 9th April in support of The Jessie May Trust was a great success.
A short regular meeting upstairs was held, where the Lodge was honoured with the presence of W. Bro Ian Davies, PSGD & APGM for the Province of Gloucestershire (soon to become our next PGM). The Worshipful Master, W. Bro David Bisp then welcomed non-masonic guests including family, friends and representatives from The Jessie May Trust, into the Lodge room.
To set the scene and raise awareness of the link between Freemasonry and Charity, W. Bro Coles delivered an informative presentation. Presentations from Daniel Cheesman (CEO) and Lloyd Kembrey (Charity Ambassador) then followed from The Jessie May Trust – care for terminally ill children in the home is what the trust is all about.
There followed a cheque presentation by W. Bro David Bisp to Kim James-Coggins (Community Fundraiser) for £1,000 from Harmony & Concord. In addition, the Lodge of Seafarers also announced that they had made a donation of £2,000.
92 members, guests and representatives from Jessie May Trust, then enjoyed a sumptuous Buffet downstairs. Proceeds from H&C Raffles in February, March and April, together with Heads & Tails, Guess the weight of the cake competition, a mini auction and 2 generous anonymous donations, raised a further £1,949.90.
All in all, the evening raised a magnificent £2,949.90 in support of The Jessie May Trust.
A further £2000 was donated this month to Jessie May Trust as well from The Lodge of Seafarers.
On behalf of the Lodge, I would like to thank our regular visitors who help make our meetings run so smoothly and also to the volunteers and generous donators, who helped make our April Charity Evening such a success.
Thank-you everyone.
Yours sincerely and fraternally,
W. Bro Peter Coles
Lodge Secretary and Provincial Charity Steward.